Leonard Sipes.Com

Public Relations-Media Relations-Emergency Management

Year: 2019

It’s Time To Rethink Criminal Justice Media Policies

Observations It’s time for law enforcement and corrections to understand that saying nothing to the media about an event and failing to put out false rumors can end in disaster. Yes, we don’t like or trust the reporters. Truth be…


Reporters Blasted For Inappropriate Social Media

Observations Reporters are taking heat for inappropriate social media posts. This comes on the heels of harsh journalistic criticism of posts in police social media pages. “Journalists don’t deserve a get-out-of-bigotry-jail free card just because they’re journalists.” Cops are never…


Breaking Bad News First

Colleagues: InTime recently offered an article by me on breaking bad news first through an examination of the state of Maryland’s assumption of the Baltimore City Jail. The article is available at InTime. InTime is a scheduling and software company serving law…
