Leonard Sipes.Com

Public Relations-Media Relations-Emergency Management

Internet and Public Policy

Why Facebook doesn’t send traffic to your website

Http://LeonardSipes.Com It’s really easy to go to your share button at the end of your website article and place your new creation on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and other social media sites. You even take time to create customized Twitter and…


Summary of Research Regarding Teens Online—The Future of Social

Http://LeonardSipes.Com Summary of Research Regarding Teens Online—The Future of Social The best research on  the online world of teens comes from Pew and the experience, while cautionary as to bullying,  is not as bad as others have made it out…


Blog World, the Future of Social Media and the Average Schmuck

Http://LeonardSipes.Com I returned from the Blog World-New Media conference in Los Angeles last night (http://www.blogworld.com/ ) and it’s easy to say that it’s the best social media conference I’ve attended (third time for me). Four-thousand participants from over 100 countries…


Is social media really social?

Http://LeonardSipes.Com The debate is whether social media is a conversation or a one way form of communication. I argue that it’s a matter of quality versus quantity. Responding to Comments–Three Cases: I did a presentation on social media before leadership…


Restoring faith in government communication

Http://LeonardSipes.Com This site addresses public relations and social media for government, associations and nonprofits thus we explore a variety of digital technologies and PR issues to increase our presence and ability to serve. But nothing I’ve done in 20 years…


Social Media Vital to Social Change: Government Predicted to have Smaller Role

  Http://LeonardSipes.Com When you create a site addressing the social media needs of government, associations and nonprofits, social change (and the mechanisms to accomplish change) matters. The people who follow my material are all interested in some aspect of social…


The primary source for business, education and restaurant information is the Internet

Http://LeonardSipes.Com The Pew Research Center creates the best data on who uses the Internet and how it’s used. The latest data (citation below) states that the Internet is now the primary source of information for local business, education and restaurants….


More on who gets involved in causes

  Http://LeonardSipes.Com We stated earlier this week that older individuals and Baby Boomers were the most involved in causes (I consider them the gold standard of causes due to their income and political clout). Several of you asked for additional…


Who Supports Causes? Older People and Baby Boomers Lead

Http://LeonardSipes.Com “Marketing Charts” is a great place to get quick and useful statistics in chart fashion to understand social media and involvement in a variety of issues. Today’s Marketing Charts addresses demographics as to who gets involved in causes. The…


Age Differences Rule the Internet. Half of all Americans use Social Media

Http://LeonardSipes.Com A new report from Pew (see below) documents the dramatic rise in the use of social media and that most are satisfied by the experience. But as to who uses social media sites the most, age rules. When it…
