Leonard Sipes.Com

Public Relations-Media Relations-Emergency Management


Brand and Public Relations. Are You a Google?

Http://LeonardSipes.Com and Http://MyLifeAudio.Com It’s always amazed me that many organizations and people get a pass from the public and media when things go wrong while others in the same circumstances get intense and negative media scrutiny. This thought came to mind when…


Why You Need To Consider Audio for Your Social Media Outreach

Http://LeonardSipes.Com and Http://MyLifeAudio.Com I’ve hosted and produced radio and television shows for both broadcast and the internet for over twenty years. The use of audio is, by far, my favorite medium. Audio is easy to produce, inexpensive and easily transportable via the…


Marketing Associations and Nonprofits-An Internet Based Strategy

From my other website at Http://mylifeaudio.com . I wrote an article addressing marketing for businesses. In essence, I suggested that businesses need to establish a personal relationship with the customer. I stated that people buy from people, not businesses. It’s the same…


What is Social Media?

Http://LeonardSipes.Com and It’s a question I get often. Few organizations get social media. They’re confused by what is, what it means and how it’s implemented. Before you brand these people as rubes, remember that it wasn’t that long ago that Google lamented…


Telling Your Story Through Audio or Video Builds Trust

From my other site at Http://MyLifeAudio.Com Do people trust you? Do people trust your business or organization? People buy from people, not businesses. While I have a hard time understanding this concept for all purchases, I know firsthand that many of…


Apple and Public Relations-The Chickens Have Come Home to Roost

Http://leonardSipes.Com and As I sit here I notice that my Apple stock keeps falling. As I listen to my tech podcasts I hear hosts lambast Apple as a company that has lost its edge. One went so far as to…


Convincing Personal and Business Stories Need to be from the Heart

From my other site at Http://MyLifeAudio.Com Fast Company offers an interesting article titled, “Using Great Storytelling To Grow Your Business.” For me, the important paragraph is “The key to engage them is to use lots of “language of the senses,” or…


How Important is Social Media to Effective Communication?

Http://LeonardSipes.Com and Http://MyLifeAudio.Com A colleague from the past called me to announce her return from Europe and the fact that she was looking for work. She’s a former television news anchor with years of top-notch writing experience. She’s a very good communicator….


Is There Anything New About Social Media? More Rehashed Garbage?

Http://LeonardSipes.Com and Http://MyLifeAudio.Com Facebook Page at http://www.facebook.com/LeonardSipes “The same rehashed garbage!” Comment from Frank Angelone  on ProBlogger discussing blog content marketing strategies. Is there anything new to be said about social media? I read a post by an editor for a well-known social media publication…


The Impact of Social Media Per Research

Http://LeonardSipes.Com and Http://MyLifeAudio.Com Facebook Page at http://www.facebook.com/LeonardSipes We know who is using social media: “The proportion of internet users aged 18-29 who reported using social networking sites dropped to 83% in December 2012, according to results from a study by the Pew Research Center’s Internet…
