Leonard Sipes.Com

Public Relations-Media Relations-Emergency Management


Newspapers suck at social. Why are you different?

Http://leonardSipes.Com I recently wrote Newspapers and the internet; the lessons we share. The first and second articles were based on The Story So Far, What We Know About the Business of Digital Journalism from the Columbia Journalism School which may be (and probably…


Kudos to Google and YouTube! Financial Help for Nonprofits and Associations

Http://LeonardSipes.Com (PR and social media for government, associations and nonprofits) I wrote an article describing assistance from Google regarding assistance to nonprofits, see https://www.leonardsipes.com/kudos-to-google-help-for-nonprofits-and-associations/. Now, YouTube (owned by Google) is offering an array of incentives to encourage nonprofits to take advantage…


Grammar Girl—The Secret Sauce of Successful Websites

Http://LeonardSipes.Com I just finished reading “How ‘Grammar Girl turned a single hobby podcast into a growing media network” from the Neiman Journalism Lab. Grammer Girl is a fresh, friendly little podcast (radio or television show for the internet) that’s wildly…


Using Social Media to Predict Future Behavior

Http://LeonardSipes.Com It’s rather obvious that web and social sites are a journey into the soul of a person or organization. Website appearance and the quality of content makes a statement which scares the dickens out of all of us who…


Suggestions from Google as to What Makes a Great Website

Http://LeonardSipes.Com; a PR and social media site for government, associations and nonprofits. It’s not often the Google Gods come down from on high and tell us what makes a great website; they just keep repeating their mantra that what’s good…


Twenty-five percent dominate the internet. The Quality Web.

Http://LeonardSipes.Com (Note that I write about the internet and PR experiences of government, associations and nonprofits). Pew states that 65 percent of Americans are involved in social media but what do we mean by “involved?” The research below from Pew…


What if we were really good at social media?

Http://leonardSipes.Com I recently wrote Newspapers and the internet; the lessons we share. The first article was based on The Story So Far, What We Know About the Business of Digital Journalism from the Columbia Journalism School which may be the…


State election websites measured as to effectiveness

Http://LeonardSipes.Com The research below from the Pew Center on the States measured every election website in the country as to services provided and the ability of people to locate the site. If one wonders how government websites are progressing, this…


Describe your sex life with a movie title. The multiple uses of social media.

Http://LeonardSipes.Com Question: Is it time to admit that social media has multiple definitions and uses? Assertion: There are two types of organizations using social media; those who simply push information out and those who depend on people  interacting to survive….


Using social sites to accomplish your goals

Http://LeonardSipes.Com Question;  can you effectively engage multiple social sites with limited staff? I attended BlogWorld in Los Angeles and went to a website marketing session. There was general agreement in the room that the purpose of social media was to…
