Leonard Sipes.Com

Public Relations-Media Relations-Emergency Management

law enforcement

Do Reporters Hate Cops? Law Enforcement And Media Objectivity

Highlights Is media objectivity a relic of the past (per the Columbia Journalism Review)? Many (most?) cops believe that media reporting of law enforcement and crime control is stereotypical, biased, and unobjective. Many police officers are leaving the job. Recruitment…


It’s Time To Rethink Criminal Justice Media Policies

Observations It’s time for law enforcement and corrections to understand that saying nothing to the media about an event and failing to put out false rumors can end in disaster. Yes, we don’t like or trust the reporters. Truth be…


Reporters Blasted For Inappropriate Social Media

Observations Reporters are taking heat for inappropriate social media posts. This comes on the heels of harsh journalistic criticism of posts in police social media pages. “Journalists don’t deserve a get-out-of-bigotry-jail free card just because they’re journalists.” Cops are never…


Justice System: The Media Is Not Our Enemy

Observations Regardless as to your feelings about media relations and the justice system, reporters will let you influence them if you are seen as knowledgeable and trustworthy. It’s in our best interest to fully engage. American cops feel that they…


Police Take Back Their Image With The Lip Sync Challenge

Lip Sync Challenge Observations We’re not just talking about a couple thousand views, police lip sync videos are getting tens of thousands and in the case of Norfolk, millions. The response has been overwhelmingly positive. It’s time to take our…


Police Use of Force And Public Relations

Article Explaining police use of force to those who have never been cops is challenging. Because of endless negative videos, it’s starting to get more difficult than ever. Author Leonard Adam Sipes, Jr. Retired federal senior spokesperson. His book: ” Success…
