Leonard Sipes.Com

Public Relations-Media Relations-Emergency Management


Media Relations Strategies: Winning the War-Taking A Hit-Moving Quickly

Subtitles: A long-range view of media relations is best. Sometimes, you have to take a hit. Delay can be deadly. Author Leonard A. Sipes, Jr. Thirty-five years of award-winning media relations, over fifty national and regional awards. Please share, but…


The “Smoke Blowers” and Others Who Influence Media Decisions

Subtitles: Do the wrong people influence media decisions? Is it possible to manage media responsibilities for complex organizations? Author Leonard A. Sipes, Jr. Thirty-five years of award-winning media relations, over fifty national and regional awards. Please share, but all rights…


Is Your Organization Destroying Good Media Relations?

  Subtitles Your organization did nothing wrong, yet media coverage is negative? Is your organization difficult to represent? Author Leonard A. Sipes, Jr. Thirty-five years of award-winning media relations, over fifty national and regional awards. Please share, but all rights…


Who Makes Media Decisions In Your Agency?

Subtitles Do the wrong people influence media decisions? Is it possible to manage media responsibilities for complex organizations? The larger the decision-making committee, the greater the potential for problems. Is managing public affairs for any complex organization like “herding cats?”…


Your Organization Hates Reporters # 3-Why I wrote “Success With the Media”

Your Organization Hates Reporters # 3-Why I wrote “Success With the Media” (Blame it on Anything But Us-Third of a series of articles on organizations and the media) Please share, but all rights reserved Article After thirty-five years of talking…


Your Organization Hates Reporters-Why I wrote “Success With the Media”

By Leonard A. Sipes, Jr. National award-winning spokesperson for state and national organizations. Graduate-Johns Hopkins University. Your Organization Hates Reporters-Why I wrote “Success With the Media” (First of a series of articles on organizations and the media) There must be…


News Coverage Stinks-Why I Wrote “Success With the Media”

News Coverage Stinks-Why I Wrote “Success With the Media” There was a time not so long ago when extremely knowledgeable beat reporters would call spokespeople and coproduced newspaper articles and electronic reports that served the public well. Through a combination…


Target Smart Phone and Tablet News Consumers

Http://LeonardSipes.Com (a site for government, associations and nonprofits) Daily summaries of social media and news media related articles are offered through my Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/LeonardSipes or via the Facebook button on this site. Thanks!!! Article:  Concerned about reaching those involved in local issues?  …


Reaching Critical Communities through News and Social Media

Http://LeonardSipes.Com Pew Study-Background: “A recent study conducted by the Pew Research Center’s Project for Excellence in Journalism and Internet & American Life Project, in partnership with the Knight Foundation, finds that nearly three-quarters of Americans (72%) report following local news…


Why do we mistrust the media?

Http://LeonardSipes.Com I conversed with a reporter for well-known national news organization. The subject was media coverage of government (or at least my portion of it). The conversation was fun and honest but I asked if we within government were better…
