Leonard Sipes.Com

Public Relations-Media Relations-Emergency Management

Facebook Marketing

“Facebook for Business” Applies to all Organizations



Facebook for business applies to government, associations and nonprofits—the lessons are the same.

The bottom-line is use of a page rather than a profile for entities. The guide shows you how to get the most from your page.

Profiles (regular Facebook accounts) have a way of getting out of control because you’re inclined to “friend” everyone who comes to your account thus the invitations to causes and games and innocuous comments are simply overwhelming and dysfunctional.

Pages allow you to communicate and receive feedback and have a conversation in a way you can manage.

The guide is available at https://www.facebook.com/business and offers a variety of options. But to me, it’s the ability to attach lots of photos and links to photo-based posts in websites and blogs that brings a sense of color and approachability to a Facebook page.

See my site at http://www.facebook.com/pages/Leonard-SipesMy-Life-AudioSocial-Media/249700301710491?sk=wall and tell me if you agree.

Naturally, you are encouraged to “like” the site.

Best, Len.

