Leonard Sipes.Com

Public Relations-Media Relations-Emergency Management

Year: 2012

Government at the Speed of Light. Can Social Help or Hurt?

Http://LeonardSipes.Com and It’s taken me days to compose my thoughts as to the mass shooting-massacre at Newtown, CT.  As someone in the justice system it hits hard; nothing prepares you for this. Working with crime victims gives me a unique…


Telling a Great Story Gets Results

Http://LeonardSipes.Com Article from my other website at MyLifeAudio.Com ) I made a presentation recently at the Ronald Regan building in downtown Washington, D.C. during a conference focusing on customer service.  I and my co-presenter Tim had 30 minutes to summarize…


Creating Great Content for Websites through Audio, Video and Blogs

Http://LeonardSipes.Com and Background: I speak to a variety of agencies and national organizations on social media or public relations and I usually create articles or PowerPoint’s to address their unique needs. The material below is content for a PowerPoint on…


Add Media to Your Press Releases for Maximum Impact

Http://LeonardSipes.Com and I have 15 years of experience creating audio and video for the internet and attaching them to press releases. The results are gratifying. I could never figure out the reluctance of PR people who didn’t emulate the practice. Now comes…


Want to Tell Your Business or Personal Story? Then Use Video.

From my other website at Http://MyLifeAudio.Com . Http://LeonardSipes.Com Ask yourself, if ten billion 14 year olds can upload video to YouTube, why can’t you? There are endless reports about the ever-increasing presence of video in our daily digital lives. Another from Nielsen…


The Delayed Digital Revolution-Most Read Print Books

Http://LeonardSipes.Com and The digital revolution  delayed “or” the more things change the more they stay the same. I enjoy reminding communicators that while we must completely embrace the digital revolution, the principles of communication continue to center on traditional content creation, e-mail with social coming in third…


Hurricane Sandy and Predictions of Social Media Misuse

Http://LeonardSipes.Com and I wrote “Hurricane Sandy-The First Major Social Media Emergency?” as the storm was making its way up the east coast and “Bad, Mistaken or Malicious Information Via Social Media During Hurricane Sandy” documenting examples of social media misinformation…


One in three cell phone owners look for health information

Http://LeonardSipes.Com Just in case you were curious about the power of mobile devices; from Pew Internet: 85% of U.S. adults own a cell phone. Half own smartphones, which expands their mobile internet access and enables mobile software applications. One in three cell…


Bad, Mistaken or Malicious Information Via Social Media During Hurricane Sandy

Http://LeonardSipes.Com Media Quotes on Sandy: “Social media has become the go-to source these days in crisis communications,” said Simon Fraser University communication professor Peter Chow-White. “If you’re trying to connect with people outside (the crisis area), or connect with people…


Hurricane Sandy-The First Major Social Media Emergency?

Http://LeonardSipes.Com Question: Will Hurricane Sandy be the first major social media emergency? Will widespread power outages and flooding force people to turn to social media for up-to-date information through portable devices? If so, how accurate will that information be? (Reuters) – Louis…
