Asking for Comments and Links for New Websites and Blogs
Http://LeonardSipes.Com A standard method of introducing yourself and your new website and blog is to contact others within your field and ask for comments and the possible exchange of links. There are endless debates and suggestions as to driving traffic…
The Astounding Drop in Confidence in the Media and What it Means for Bloggers
Http://LeonardSipes.Com Two events that opened the door to blogging and social media include the vast downsizing of the American media (loss of new staff) and the concurrent lack of public confidence in mainstream media. In…
One Hour a Day Blogging
Http://LeonardSipes.Com There’s a large number of subject matter experts who try blogging and give up; it’s hard to see the benefits for you or your organization. Too much pain and too little gain….
Are blogs dying? Nope, But they can be pain
LeonardSipes.Com Summary: If we want responsible subject level experts to blog, we have to make the results more rewarding. There is a new discussion as to whether or not blogs are dying from Media Post’s “Social Media Insider” written by…
Len’s Rules for Successful Government Media Relations Rules for Successful Government Media Relations State University Media Relations Course Outline Gentlereaders: What follows is an outline for a course on media relations I taught at a state university . Best, Leonard Sipes Please Understand This is the…