Leonard Sipes.Com

Public Relations-Media Relations-Emergency Management


Suggestions from Google as to What Makes a Great Website

Http://LeonardSipes.Com; a PR and social media site for government, associations and nonprofits. It’s not often the Google Gods come down from on high and tell us what makes a great website; they just keep repeating their mantra that what’s good…


Yearning for a Quality Web Experience

  Http://LeonardSipes.Com Holly Finn from The Wall Street Journal writes about  Humanizing the Web where she addresses deeper meanings from the online experience. The Internet is blazingly fast with people who run madly from page to page; skimming and not reading….


Some groups are internet savvy. Marketing to others is difficult

Http://LeonardSipes.Com Alternative title: The religious like the internet and see it as valuable to their efforts. The Pew Internet and American Life Project recently created a statistical overview of the internet use of those religiously active (see below). Those of…


Driving visitors to your website-Search strategies rule

  Http://LeonardSipes.Com This will be a short article with three links but packs a ton of punch. I took some heat from friends in social media when I wrote that search, not social media was the key to getting people…


How do people get information about their community?

Http://LeonardSipes.Com I listen to a lot of tech-related podcasts on my daily commute via train every day. If one listens to the pundits the social world is the near future and traditional methods of communication will be permanently left behind….


Why Do Social Media? The New Gold Rush.

  Http://LeonardSipes.Com You and your organization have discussed a social media presence. You and staff are aware that two-thirds of Americans are currently engaged in social media and you note that almost all young people report social media use.  For…


Are engaged and loyal audiences realistic goals for social media?

Http://LeonardSipes.Com Well that sounds like a silly question. But it goes to the heart of what social media really is. It’s causing many to drop out of social media efforts. I read articles from the best and brightest in social…


Why Facebook doesn’t send traffic to your website

Http://LeonardSipes.Com It’s really easy to go to your share button at the end of your website article and place your new creation on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and other social media sites. You even take time to create customized Twitter and…


Search Engine Optimization and Marketing Simplified

Http://LeonardSipes.Com I help run a variety of government websites that produce high numbers of page views. After multiple years of success, and after helping others create and market websites, I received a challenge. “Your success is partially based on the…


Are SEO Experts Frauds? Key Steps to Search Engine Optimization

Http://LeonardSipes.Com This is a topic in more than a couple web forums. People I assist want to know more about search engine optimization (SEO) than any other topic. It’s as if people feel that there’s something magic about the “tricks”…
