Leonard Sipes.Com

Public Relations-Media Relations-Emergency Management


How to Cause Panic: Television, Social Media and Emergency Management

Http://LeonardSipes.Com CBS “Sunday Morning” (best news show on television) produced “Casting a Skeptical Eye” on April 1, 2012 stating, “No fooling – it’s April 1st, which means we should be extra skeptical about everything today. But correspondent Mo Rocca says…


Driving visitors to your website-Search strategies rule

  Http://LeonardSipes.Com This will be a short article with three links but packs a ton of punch. I took some heat from friends in social media when I wrote that search, not social media was the key to getting people…


Your Fear of Social Media-Don’t Stick Your Neck Out

Http://LeonardSipes.Com Fifth and final article on the fear some people in government, associations and nonprofits express when whey contemplate social media. In the first article I stated, “Media respects those who do social media. They like your willingness to engage….


Your Fear of Social Media—It’s Too Hard to Understand

Http://LeonardSipes.Com First in a series on the fear some people in government, associations and nonprofits express when whey contemplate social media. People exchange information and photos in all sorts of informal groups.  You learn from friends and associates their preferences,…
