Leonard Sipes.Com

Public Relations-Media Relations-Emergency Management


Telling a Great Story Gets Results

Http://LeonardSipes.Com Article from my other website at MyLifeAudio.Com ) I made a presentation recently at the Ronald Regan building in downtown Washington, D.C. during a conference focusing on customer service.  I and my co-presenter Tim had 30 minutes to summarize…


Creating Great Content for Websites through Audio, Video and Blogs

Http://LeonardSipes.Com and Background: I speak to a variety of agencies and national organizations on social media or public relations and I usually create articles or PowerPoint’s to address their unique needs. The material below is content for a PowerPoint on…


Add Media to Your Press Releases for Maximum Impact

Http://LeonardSipes.Com and I have 15 years of experience creating audio and video for the internet and attaching them to press releases. The results are gratifying. I could never figure out the reluctance of PR people who didn’t emulate the practice. Now comes…


Want to Tell Your Business or Personal Story? Then Use Video.

From my other website at Http://MyLifeAudio.Com . Http://LeonardSipes.Com Ask yourself, if ten billion 14 year olds can upload video to YouTube, why can’t you? There are endless reports about the ever-increasing presence of video in our daily digital lives. Another from Nielsen…


Does Social Media Hinder Effective Communication?

Http://LeonardSipes.Com At what point does social media become a distraction? You’re going to be confused with my use of the infographic below; it shows the booming use of social media within the collegiate world.  For that demographic  (younger people) social…


Measuring Success of Your Social Media and Website Efforts

Http://leonardSipes.Com “Marketing Charts” is one of my favorite places for quick explanations of social media and website development issues. For the people I work with, a common question is measuring success. The “Marketing Charts” article below addresses the issue through…


Newspapers suck at social. Why are you different?

Http://leonardSipes.Com I recently wrote Newspapers and the internet; the lessons we share. The first and second articles were based on The Story So Far, What We Know About the Business of Digital Journalism from the Columbia Journalism School which may be (and probably…


Describe your sex life with a movie title. The multiple uses of social media.

Http://LeonardSipes.Com Question: Is it time to admit that social media has multiple definitions and uses? Assertion: There are two types of organizations using social media; those who simply push information out and those who depend on people  interacting to survive….


Driving visitors to your website-Search strategies rule

  Http://LeonardSipes.Com This will be a short article with three links but packs a ton of punch. I took some heat from friends in social media when I wrote that search, not social media was the key to getting people…


Why Do Social Media? The New Gold Rush.

  Http://LeonardSipes.Com You and your organization have discussed a social media presence. You and staff are aware that two-thirds of Americans are currently engaged in social media and you note that almost all young people report social media use.  For…
