Leonard Sipes.Com

Public Relations-Media Relations-Emergency Management


The Internet Audience You Seek May Not be the Audience You Get

            Http://LeonardSipes.Com With the government, association and nonprofit websites I’ve assisted, the lesson seems to be that we seek one audience and often get another. There is something wonderfully democratic about the Internet. Virtually all…


Guides on Using Facebook

            Awards-Crisis Management-Education On a recent post, I suggested that government agencies, associations and nonprofits should not use Facebook Profiles; it’s better to use Facebook Pages. Profiles are for everyday people communicating with friends, family…


Use Twitter to Reach Black and Hispanic Populations

            Http://LeonardSipes.com Pew creates wonderful research on Internet use and there’s little to say here beyond what mainstream media has offered. Thirteen percent of online adults use Twitter representing an increase from a previously reported…


Facebook Profiles do not work for Organizations

                Http://leonardsipes.com There are two kinds of Facebook opportunities, profiles and pages (see http://www.facebook.com/influencers). Profiles are generally for individuals and pages are geared for organizations.  There are organizations that create a presence using…

Marketing Social Media

Driving visitors to websites–new report from Pew

Driving visitors to websites–new report from Pew. Http://LeonardSipes.Com The Pew Research Center’s Project for Excellence in Journalism as to how people get to news and informational websites makes for fascinating reading and provides valuable insight as to web traffic in…

Public Relations

Is Facebook a CIA Plot?

Http://LeonardSipes.Com As someone schooled by government lawyers and constitutional historians, the right to citizen privacy has been a hot topic of my professional life. Time and time again, we were told the applicable laws and our obligation to enforce them….

Public Relations

Using employee names on websites

Http://LeonardSipes.Com Regular readers know I belong to an e-mail exchange with government webmasters and public affairs people throughout the country. The question asked was whether or not to use employee names on websites for the products they create? The writer…

Marketing Nonprofits/Associations SEO Social Media

Marketing Associations and Nonprofits–Looking into their Eyes

This article is from my other website (still in development)  where I tell stories of people’s lives. See . Note: MyLifeAudio.Com will always work within the budgets of associations and nonprofits. In some cases, we will provide services at cost. Http://LeonardSipes.Com I…

Marketing Nonprofits/Associations Public Relations Social Media

Stumbling Through Social Media Planning for Government and Nonprofits

Http://LeonardSipes.Com I  presented at a conference last year and I stated that social media planning  for governments and nonprofits had its limits. The term “plan” (in the way the advertising community uses it) may not apply to our circumstances.  I suggested…

Public Relations

Photos and Clipart for your Website: Pay or get it Free?

LeonardSipes.Com Paying for photography for your website is much simpler and cost-effective than searching endless sources for free stuff. Having said that, please see resources for free material below. There are a couple of tasks that took an unbelievable amount…
