Leonard Sipes.Com

Public Relations-Media Relations-Emergency Management


More on who gets involved in causes

  Http://LeonardSipes.Com We stated earlier this week that older individuals and Baby Boomers were the most involved in causes (I consider them the gold standard of causes due to their income and political clout). Several of you asked for additional…


Student Use of Digital Media for News Exploding

Http://LeonardSipes.Com A lot of what we do in government, associations and nonprofits is to concentrate our social media efforts on older audiences. For those interested in older Americans the news is good; they have the highest percentage growth of social…


Short blog posts rule the Internet.

Http://LeonardSipes.Com We know from research that shorter is better. My government social media presence, however, throws this concept out the window with 30 minute television and radio shows and blog entries that are actually full-blown articles printed in national publications….


Asking for Comments and Links for New Websites and Blogs

Http://LeonardSipes.Com A standard method of introducing yourself and your new website and blog is to contact others within your field and ask for comments and the possible exchange of links. There are endless debates and suggestions as to driving traffic…


Today’s Links: Website Creation, StumbleUpon and Referrals, Guide to Google Plus, Twitter’s New Social Network

The Web Ain’t Dead Yet (And It’s Getting Easier to Create) Wired Does StumbleUpon Really Drive More Traffic Than Facebook? Mixed Media Why the Navy Likes Google+ Fast Company First Details About Lift, the Next Social Network From the Founders…


Telling a Story is Key to Successful Promotions

Http://LeonardSipes.Com I’m often asked about what works in promotions; what resonates with the media—what entices them to cover your event or activity? There are basic elements in promoting a story to the media. It has to have news value or…


One Third of Americans Use Smartphones: Are You Ready?

Http://LeonardSipes.Com One third of Americans have a smartphone and half of all adult cell owners (51%) had used their phone at least once to get information they needed right away per new research from Pew. There are Asian countries where…


Search and E-Mail Dominant Internet Activities, Social Media Gaining Rapidly

Http://LeonardSipes.Com Thirty years ago I was schooled by the largest advertising company in the country. They were conducting a national pro-bono advertising campaign for the Department of Justice. I was a subject matter expert providing technical expertise to the campaign….


“Facebook for Business” Applies to all Organizations

  Http://LeonardSipes.Com Facebook for business applies to government, associations and nonprofits—the lessons are the same. The bottom-line is use of a page rather than a profile for entities. The guide shows you how to get the most from your page….


Your Fear of Social Media—It’s Too Hard to Understand

Http://LeonardSipes.Com First in a series on the fear some people in government, associations and nonprofits express when whey contemplate social media. People exchange information and photos in all sorts of informal groups.  You learn from friends and associates their preferences,…
