Leonard Sipes.Com

Public Relations-Media Relations-Emergency Management

Public Relations

The Goals of Social Media

Http://LeonardSipes.Com Infographic Below: Well, this is cheating a bit. I’m facilitating  a group discussion on social media for a large government agency in Washington, D.C. and this infographic (below) just came across my desk/inbox.  I want to use it during the presentation so the…


Does Social Media Hinder Effective Communication?

Http://LeonardSipes.Com At what point does social media become a distraction? You’re going to be confused with my use of the infographic below; it shows the booming use of social media within the collegiate world.  For that demographic  (younger people) social…


Who is Searching for You?

Http://LeonardSipes.Com Very few users of social media understand the ramifications of their posts yet more organizations than ever before are using search and social to gain an understanding as to who you “really” are.  This includes those who seek to do you…


Human Interest Stories are Key to Promotions

Http://LeonardSipes.Com I’m often asked about what works in promotions; what resonates with the media or public—what entices them to pay attention to your issues? There are basic elements in promoting a story to the media. It has to have news…


Honesty and Public Relations

Http://LeonardSipes.Com After thirty-two years of speaking to the media and tens of thousands of interviews I’ve come to recognize that the most difficult part of the public affairs profession is communication honesty. It’s an observation and concern shared by many in our…


Describe your sex life with a movie title. The multiple uses of social media.

Http://LeonardSipes.Com Question: Is it time to admit that social media has multiple definitions and uses? Assertion: There are two types of organizations using social media; those who simply push information out and those who depend on people  interacting to survive….


Why do we mistrust the media?

Http://LeonardSipes.Com I conversed with a reporter for well-known national news organization. The subject was media coverage of government (or at least my portion of it). The conversation was fun and honest but I asked if we within government were better…


Social Can’t Compete with Traditional Media

Http://LeonardSipes.Com Forbes offers another excellent article (see below) on how Twitter and additional social media platforms influence corporate decisions. The problem with the article is context and an understanding as to how information and opinions are generated. A related concern…


Blogs and Social Media Sites That Die

Http://LeonardSipes.Com Happy New Year! I talk to people who are ready to give up their sites after one year of effort.  I understand their concerns. My government sites pull almost 100,000 page views a month and sites I’ve assisted can…


Some groups are internet savvy. Marketing to others is difficult

Http://LeonardSipes.Com Alternative title: The religious like the internet and see it as valuable to their efforts. The Pew Internet and American Life Project recently created a statistical overview of the internet use of those religiously active (see below). Those of…
