Describe your sex life with a movie title. The multiple uses of social media.
Http://LeonardSipes.Com Question: Is it time to admit that social media has multiple definitions and uses? Assertion: There are two types of organizations using social media; those who simply push information out and those who depend on people interacting to survive….
Using social sites to accomplish your goals
Http://LeonardSipes.Com Question; can you effectively engage multiple social sites with limited staff? I attended BlogWorld in Los Angeles and went to a website marketing session. There was general agreement in the room that the purpose of social media was to…
Social Can’t Compete with Traditional Media
Http://LeonardSipes.Com Forbes offers another excellent article (see below) on how Twitter and additional social media platforms influence corporate decisions. The problem with the article is context and an understanding as to how information and opinions are generated. A related concern…
Driving visitors to your website-Search strategies rule
Http://LeonardSipes.Com This will be a short article with three links but packs a ton of punch. I took some heat from friends in social media when I wrote that search, not social media was the key to getting people…
Relevancy and Government Service
Http://LeonardSipes.Com It’s rare when an article moves you to a thorough understanding of any issue but Adam Hartung’s “Why the Postal Service is Going Out of Business” in Forbes is one of them. The lessons also apply to all aspects…
Children on Facebook
Http://LeonardSipes.Com This site is devoted to government, associations and nonprofits and some come to me with complaints about the number of young people they interact with. They want older audiences; people of influence; people who support causes. Older audiences…
28% of all American adults use mobile or social location. Can government use these tools?
Http://LeonardSipes.Com Pew reports (see below) that 28 percent of Americans are using location-based services. Is there a way that Government, associations and nonprofits can take advantage of these services? Businesses seem to be the obvious beneficiaries. My wife and I…
“Facebook for Business” Applies to all Organizations
Http://LeonardSipes.Com Facebook for business applies to government, associations and nonprofits—the lessons are the same. The bottom-line is use of a page rather than a profile for entities. The guide shows you how to get the most from your page….
Exposed to a variety of opinions on the Internet? Probably Not.
The Internet was supposed to be the ultimate platform for democracy; a way to be exposed to a wide variety of opinions. Years ago researchers declared that those with liberal arts college educations made the best leaders. People who sought…
Your Fear of Social Media—I Don’t Have the Staff or Money
Http://LeonardSipes.Com Third in a series on the fear some people in government, associations and nonprofits express when whey contemplate social media. I listened to one of my social media podcasts where they were discussing the fact that tech-related conferences…