Leonard Sipes.Com

Public Relations-Media Relations-Emergency Management

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Why Do Social Media? The New Gold Rush.

  Http://LeonardSipes.Com You and your organization have discussed a social media presence. You and staff are aware that two-thirds of Americans are currently engaged in social media and you note that almost all young people report social media use.  For…


Your Fear of Social Media-Don’t Stick Your Neck Out

Http://LeonardSipes.Com Fifth and final article on the fear some people in government, associations and nonprofits express when whey contemplate social media. In the first article I stated, “Media respects those who do social media. They like your willingness to engage….

Marketing SEO Social Media

Is Social Media Dead?

LeonardSipes.Com Two reports (sources below) came out almost on the same day; one stating that nine in ten marketers use social media and one suggesting that less than one percent of website visits come from social media. What? If social…
